Our Heritage: The founder of our third generation law firm was Dr. Pál Lippai, who was born in 1900 in Szeged and obtained his Juris Doctoral Degree in 1925 also in Szeged. He was a judge in Orosháza and Makó, later, President of the District Court in Bácskapalánka. After World War II he worked as President of the District Court of Kiskunfélegyháza. Since he rejected to make decisions in forged cases referred to as “kulak” cases, he was removed on disciplinary grounds, and, as a result, was forced to blue-collar work between 1952 and 1957. He worked as an attorney from 1957 at No. 2 Attorneys’ Cooperative of Szeged.
His son, Dr. Pál József Lippai (Bar Registration Number: 125) graduated “summa cum laude” at the Faculty of Law of the University of Szeged in 1967, and became an attorney at No. 2 Attorneys’ Cooperative of Szeged in 1970. From 1986 he became the Head of the Attorneys’ Cooperative. Following the change of regime, as a result of the first Municipal Elections, from 23 October 1990 he became the Mayor of Szeged City of County Rights for four years. From 1995 he worked as a private attorney, and later founded Lippai Attorneys at Law, which was registered with Szeged Bar Association in accordance with Decision No. V/71/2001.
His son, Dr. Pál Gábor Lippai, was born on 14 June 1970 in Szeged (Bar Registration Number: 724) graduated “cum laude” at the Faculty of Law of József Attily University in 1995, and became a Partner of Lippai Attorneys at Law after completing his traineeship.
Lippai Attorneys at Law in Szeged, for a short period, had its seat in Madách utca, then until 1994, at 12 Püspök utca. Then, it moved to its present company seat, purpose built for an office, at 2 Szent István tér, Szeged.